Erin Gilbert
I am the assistant Oregon Plan monitoring coordinator for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) Conservation and Recovery Program. I have a background in forest hydrology with a focus on the interaction of forest roads and natural hydrologic processes. I began working for ODFW in 2003 and have focused largely on spatial analyses and mapping of anadromous salmonids and their habitat. I have worked extensively on the Coastal Coho Assessment (2005), the Oregon Coast Coho Conservation Plan (2007), and the Coastal Multi-Species Conservation and Management Plan (2014). I also have experience with sample design for broad-scale adult and juvenile fish and habitat monitoring. My professional interests include stream network and landscape modeling, spatial data management, interactive web-based mapping, and cartographic design. My other interests include salmon fishing, kayaking, snorkeling, and backpacking; generally being outdoors and near the water.