Learn more about what the REDD group is doing with data

Salmon Vortex

Coastal Coho: What Drives Them?

Oregon's coastal coho populations have been the focus of significant recovery efforts since the declines that occurred in the early 1990's. The REDD group is evaluating the role of ocean conditions versus freshwater habitat quality in the changes in coho abundance.

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fish in shallow water

The patterns in nature

Patterns of fish distribution can reveal a lot about the health of a population and the things that may be limiting. The REDD group is using ODFWs vast collection of fish observation data to develop a better understanding of how we should measure distribution. what it means in terms of population health, and how it can inform conservation and harvest.

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Accounting for hatchery fish in the wild

The influence of hatchery salmon steelhead on wild populations is typically measured by calculating the total proportion of hatchery fish present in the spawning grounds. The REDD group is looking at ways to incorporate data collected over time and space with genetic and other data to better determine the level of interaction between hatchery and wild fish.

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Person fishing

What makes a wild salmon wild?

Hatchery salmon and steelhead are the backbone of many fisheries in Oregon. The REDD group is helping ODFW guide research to determine what causes the differences we see between hatchery and wild fish.