Julie Firman
Hi! I started my tour with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife in 1998. I’ve had the opportunity to see lots of the state working in ODFW offices in Coos Bay, La Grande, and Enterprise, but most of my time has been spent working out of Corvallis on Coastal, Willamette and Lower Columbia salmon and steelhead populations. The natural world has always intrigued me and I made a decision to become a biologist out of a desire to understand and conserve species and habitats. As I’ve worked with many populations, piscine and human, I’ve also developed a respect and interest in the interactions between people and natural resources. I’m currently working to facilitate coordination, data management and research arising from several broad-scale monitoring efforts in Western Oregon. I’m particularly interested in the role of space and time in life cycle models.
Peer-reviewed publications
Steel, E.A., D.W. Jensen, K.M. Burnett, K. Christiansen, J.C. Firman, B.E. Feist, K.J. Anlauf and D.P. Larsen (2012) Landscape characteristics and coho salmon (Ohcorhynchus kisutch) distributions: explaining abundance versus occupancy. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 69:457-468.
Anlauf, K. J., D. W. Jensen, K. M. Burnett, E. A. Steel, K. Christiansen, J. C. Firman, B. E. Feist and D. P. Larsen. Explaining spatial variability in stream habitats using both natural and management‐influenced landscape predictors. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst 21:704-714.
Firman, J.C., E.A. Steel, D.W. Jensen, K.M. Burnett, K. Christiansen, B.E. Feist, D.P. Larsen, and K.J. Anlauf. (2011) Landscape models of adult coho salmon density examined at four spatial extents. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 140(2): 440–455.
Firman, J. and Jacobs, S. (2002) Comparison of Stream Reach Lengths Measured in the Field and from Maps. N. Am. J. Fish. Mgmt. 22:1325-1328.
Firman, J. and Jacobs, S. (2001) A Survey Design for Integrated Monitoring of Salmonids. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on GIS in Fishery Science, Seattle, WA, March 2-4, 1999.
Peters E.C., Gassman N.J., Firman J.C., Richmond R.H., Power E.A. (1997) Ecotoxicology of Tropical Marine Ecosystems. J. of Env. Tox. and Chem. 16:12-40.
Firman, J., Buckman, M., Schroeder, R.K., Kenaston, K., Hogansen, M., and Cannon, B. (2004) Work Completed in Compliance with the Biological Opinion for Hatchery Programs in the Willamette Basin, USACE funding: 2004. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Firman, J., M., Schroeder, R.K., Lindsay, R., Kenaston, K., and Hogansen, M. (2003) Work Completed in Compliance with the Biological Opinion for Hatchery Programs in the Willamette Basin, USACE funding: 2003. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Firman, J., Schroeder, R.K., Kenaston, K., and Lindsay, R. (2002) Work Completed in Compliance with the Biological Opinion for Hatchery Programs in the Willamette Basin, USACE funding: 2002. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Jacobs, S., Firman J., and Susac, G. (2001) Status of Oregon Coastal Stocks of Anadromous Salmonids 1999-2000. Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds, Monitoring Program Report No. OPSW-ODFW-2001-3, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Portland, Oregon.
Jacobs, S., Firman J., Susac, S., Brown, E., Riggers, B., and Tempel, K. (2000) Status of Oregon Coastal Stocks of Anadromous Salmonids. Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds, Monitoring Program Report No. OPSW-ODFW-2000-3, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Portland, Oregon.
Setter, A., J. Firman and R. Charmichael (1998) Smolt Monitoring Activities at Little Goose Dam in 1997. Annual Report, Fish Monitoring Project, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, prepared for the Bonneville Power Administration.